3.2.1. Road Transport Infrastructure (v Km)
  1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total road and motorways network 55 500 55 432 55 408 55 427 55 422 55 447
of which european road network, type E 2 655 2 655 2 644 2 637 2 599 2 599
Motorways in operation 414 499 499 517 518 518
Expressways1) * * 299 300 305 320
Other roads2) 55 086 54 933 54 909 54 910 54 904 54 929
of which I. Class roads 6 459 6 005 6 031 6 091 6 102 6 121
              II. Class roads 14 273 14 686 14 688 14 636 14 668 14 667
              III. Class roads 34 354 34 242 34 190 34 183 34 134 34 141
Local roads 66 449 72 300 72 300 72 300 72 300 72 300
1) Lenght of expresways is included in the lenght of I. Class roads Source :  ŘSD, ČSÚ
2) in 1997 the renumbering of  I, II and III class roads was carried out